
Every year, many under privileged Dominican children enter school without basic supplies such as pencils, pens, notebooks, and paper. This makes it difficult for students to learn, because it limits the amount a student can practice or record what he or she has been taught. Supplying Dreams is a project dedicated to providing these students with the learning materials they need. A notebook, pencil, and pen can start a child on the road to academic success and a better life. All we ask is for your donations and supplies, and with that we can make dreams come true.


Trip to Dominican Republic

Gabriella Catucci, Camila Marichal and Juan Andres Catucci bringing School Supplies to Children in need in Dominica Republic.




No man stands so straight as when he stoops to help a boy.

~Knights of Pythagoras



* $25
* $50
* $100
* $250
* Other

*Because this is a student run project, if you choose to pay by check, please make all checks out to: Gabriella Catucci, Camila Marichal, Juan Andres Catucci or William Catucci

School Supplies
Notebooks - Folders - Coloring Books - Crayons - Pencils - Colored Pencils - Sharpeners - Erasers



Email: info@supplyingdreams.org © 2009-2018 Supplying Dreams